If you knew how much time you wasted in the bathroom throughout your life, would you change how you live? How about fun stats like knowing how many roaches were crushed during your lifetime? Thinking of scenarios like this is fun, but let’s dive into this topic of life statistics further.

The Power of Knowledge

Knowledge is very powerful. Imagine being omniscient (all-knowing). Do you think you would get bored? Sports would be meaningless as you would always know the outcomes and every play that ever happened. You would already know if your new inventions would fail or succeed; would you even call them “new”?

Being somewhat ignorant makes for an exciting life. It lets you explore the wonders of the world and try new things. Not knowing when your death date is helps you live your best life every day. So, would you change your lifestyle to try to be the top at a certain stat?

Life Statistics

Pretend this is like a video game. You can press a button and see your current stats. Would you change your strategy to better a stat? Most likely. Therefore, I DO believe people would change their lives to try and be at the top of a category, just like a video game.

Personally, if I knew how much time I spend on electronics throughout my lifetime, I would probably flip. I’m around electronics way too often and wish I’d disconnect a little more.

Purpose of this Post

I just wanted to share some fun thoughts that run through my head, and I’m curious about what you guys think of posts like this. Please let me know in the comments below.

Is there a specific stat you would like to know after you take your last breath? Speaking of breaths, are you curious how many times your lungs were expanded? We take the body for granted when it is such an amazing machine that can last us several decades.

There are a ton of life statistics I wish I knew that I would probably never get the answer to, but it’s fun to think about it. I hope you enjoyed the post. Sorry for being a bit morbid.

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