I just wanted to share with everyone that I found my niche!
What The Last Two Months Were
If you’ve read all my posts before, first off, thank you for the support, and second, you probably saw that they were all over the place.
These past two months have been more of a trial period to see how everything would run on my site, and it’s been fantastic. I’ve highly enjoyed the process, but it’s time to niche down and grow my audience.
Where We’re Heading
So, seeing that I’ve had a ton of hobbies and I’m constantly Hobby Jumping (shameless plug), I’ve decided to niche down to talk about hobbies and projects I’ve done, that I’m working on, or that I want to try.
I want to give tips and tricks on different hobbies and build/work on projects together. It’s going to be a community of learning and experimenting.
New Additions
With this niche, I would like to dust off the old camera and start recording my hobbies. That’ll give you a new way of learning by watching what I’m doing instead of reading paragraph after paragraph.
There will also be more photography regarding the hobbies added to the post. When I went back to re-read some posts, I noticed there was a lot of text with no visuals, and that bothered me.
When Will This Begin?
Soon. I was going to do it here; however, I prefer to keep this site as my personal resume/portfolio. Therefore, I will create a new site with a different look. Since this was thought of recently, it’ll take some time to get up and running.
It’s already a work in progress, and once the site is ready, I’ll link it here.
It’s important to see where we come from, so these posts will remain up, and I’ll come back to write every once in a while, but the main focus is being changed. Since I believe it’s important to see where you came from, I won’t delete these posts. I want to look back one day and see the growth I’ve had.
Thank you all for joining me on this journey. I’m extremely excited about the upcoming changes and can’t wait to start. Thank you all for your patience as these exciting changes take place, and I’m sorry there were no pictures in this one 😀
Do you have suggestions for the new blog idea? Write them in the comments below.